My journey so far

A Journey in Hospitality
How a Kindergarten School graduate, who had previously worked in various environments to make a living, entered the field of hospitality management? Simply because education and hospitality are not two far from each other...and they contain art in large quantities.

Embracing Technology and AI
An explorative mind never ceases researching fields - the ones that it considers attractive and exciting. Mine was drawn to contemporary technological advancements and, above all, Artificial Intelligence.

My journey as a hospitality professional, technology explorer, art lover, and creator has given me a unique perspective. I see the connections between these fields and use them to enrich my work and the experiences I create. This synthetical approach allows me to bring a unified, innovative mindset to everything I do, ensuring that my work is not only relevant today but also poised to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
Thank you for visiting my website.